((PKG)) ER EXPERIENCES INSPIRE MUSIC ((TRT: 07:22)) ((Topic Banner: Nurse Musician)) ((Reporter: Faiza Elmasry)) ((Camera/Editor: Mike Burke)) ((Map:??Leesburg and Alexandria, Virginia)) ((Main character: 1 male)) ((Sub characters: 2 female)) ((NATS/MUSIC)) ((Mike Jones, Emergency Room Nurse and Musician)) I started playing the guitar when I was 13 years old. ((NATS/MUSIC)) ((Mike Jones, Emergency Room Nurse and Musician)) I'm self-taught. ((NATS/MUSIC)) ((Mike Jones, Emergency Room Nurse and Musician)) It is a thing that has brought me peace. It is a thing that gave me something to do, my hands to do when my friends were doing other things that, maybe, they shouldn't have been doing. It took away a lot of boredom. ((NATS/MUSIC)) ((Mike Jones, Emergency Room Nurse and Musician)) ((Courtesy: mikejonesband.com)) I've been playing, I would say, professionally since 17. I grew up 40 minutes outside New York City. So, my first gig was at a club called, Kenny’s Castaways on Bleecker Street. It's now gone. It was a really kind of cool, cool, cool little club. And since then, I've been in bands until now, and I'm 40. So, I've been playing music throughout all of those years. ((NATS/MUSIC)) ((Mike Jones, Emergency Room Nurse and Musician)) I'm an RN. I'm a registered nurse and a BSN, a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. And I've been working in the emergency department right from the get-go for over five-and-a-half years. ((NATS: Mike Jones Could we just get a temp, please? I’m going to go check this lady out. Be right back.)) ((Mike Jones, Emergency Room Nurse and Musician)) I feel like I, sort of, stumbled into this career. It wasn't something that I ever, you know, like as a young kid, I was like, ‘Oh, I'm dying to be a nurse’. It didn’t end up like that. I was set to be a musician for a long time. I needed something, you know, like the old day job. ((NATS: Mike Jones Go.)) ((Mike Jones, Emergency Room Nurse and Musician)) My mom's a nurse. I gravitated towards the profession. I like being on my feet. I like people and I like, kind of like the adrenaline rush and sketchy situations. I like helping people at their worst. I think that’s really what my co-workers would say. I like helping the people that really need help. The pandemic has impacted every aspect of our lives. ((NATS: Mike Jones and daughter One, two, three.)) ((Mike Jones, Emergency Room Nurse and Musician)) Because public school was canceled and they started doing the online thing. So, we kind of built a little bit of a school. ((NATS: Mike Jones and daughter 17,18,19,20,21,22. So, that's good. Let's scroll up.)) ((Mike Jones, Emergency Room Nurse and Musician)) My wife would say that this is her favorite time ever. ((NATS: Beth Ann Greenberg and daughter Go, go, go, go.)) ((Mike Jones, Emergency Room Nurse and Musician)) We have children at good ages. ((NATS: Mike Jones, Beth Ann Greenberg, Daughter You got it? Yeah. Let’s go. Yeah!)) ((Mike Jones, Emergency Room Nurse and Musician)) We have children that like being around us still, you know, and are relatively easy to entertain and we have outside space. ((NATS: Mike Jones, Daughter Dad, yeah!)) ((Beth Ann Greenberg, Mike Jones’ Wife)) I think when you're married to a musician, you learn very quickly that that's their number one love. And it has been since they were a small child. And I think for a long time, I tried to compete with that. But then I learned that he's so much more happier doing what he loves. ((NATS/MUSIC)) ((Beth Ann Greenberg, Mike Jones’ Wife)) When the pandemic happened, him doing sort of a solo thing and releasing music and collaborating, you know, virtually, it was just a way for him to keep doing that when he couldn't go play gigs on Fridays and Saturday nights. ((NATS/MUSIC)) ((Beth Ann Greenberg, Mike Jones’ Wife)) And so, I'm just grateful that he has found a way to continue to feed that, because I think it's almost his air, you know. If he can't be in and around music, he's just miserable. ((NATS/MUSIC)) ((Mike Jones, Emergency Room Nurse and Musician)) I've been able to pass around files that I've recorded here with other people. And they record it in their home studios. And we can put them together and basically have songs. The fact that I'm even doing this, in this way now, is just a direct result of being a nurse during the pandemic. ((NATS: Patient Aah.)) ((Mike Jones, Emergency Room Nurse and Musician)) I have a notion that like life is really fleeting. I see a lot of people die, a lot, almost daily. The nursing and that aspect of stuff definitely has seeped and seeped into these songs. The titles of these songs are not very edgy. ((Courtesy: mikejonesband.com)) You know, I've got, Wild Heart “Calamity Jane”. I've got, Don't Give up on Me, The Strongest One I Know, and then, Snake Oil. ((NATS: Mike Jones Come on in. Let me help you out. Here.)) ((Mike Jones, Emergency Room Nurse and Musician)) We've got the Mike Jones Band. We’ve got Austin Day on keyboards. We’ve got Rich Russman over here on guitar. Jason Mattis is on the bass guitar and Mr. Jonathan Matloff is playing percussion today. And we'll do the Wild Heart “Calamity Jane” song. One. Two. Three. Go!)) ((NATS/MUSIC)) ((Mike Jones, Emergency Room Nurse and Musician)) There's a lot of ER [Emergency Room] stuff in there. There's something about chests burning and stomach churning. ((NATS/MUSIC)) You got a wild heart that just can’t be tamed. ((Mike Jones, Emergency Room Nurse and Musician)) And then, I have this, the backdrop of like this character, Calamity Jane, which, I mean, she got her name for saving this guy in the middle of a gunfight. ((NATS/MUSIC)) Trying to help the sick ones, the ones that die alone. The orphans and the vagrants, never know at all. ((Mike Jones, Emergency Room Nurse and Musician)) I was very blessed to be able to do this. ((NATS/MUSIC)) It’s from your wild heart. Your wild heart. ((Mike Jones, Emergency Room Nurse and Musician)) Every day that I can still play music is a great day. ((NATS/MUSIC)) ((Mike Jones, Emergency Room Nurse and Musician)) More releases to come. ((NATS/MUSIC)) Tell me that your chest is burning. Tell me that your stomach is churning. I know that you had it well. Calamity Jane, for you I fell. ((NATS/MUSIC))