((PKG)) ZOE’S CARDS ((TRT: 04:00)) ((Topic Banner: Zoe’s Cards)) ((Reporter:??Faiza Elmasry))? ((Camera/Editor:??Adam Greenbaum)) ((Map:??Gainesville, Virginia))?? ((Main characters:?? 2 female)) ((NATS)) ((Zoe Moser, Founder, The Zoe Project)) You can keep a card forever. It won't go anywhere. You can send them to anyone you want and you can just write a little note inside which means a lot. ((Zoe Moser, Founder, The Zoe Project)) I started creating cards when I was probably like a little baby ((Photo Courtesy: Zoe’s Project)) ((Zoe Moser, Founder, The Zoe Project)) and we always created the cards in school for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas. I started making cards then, and then it just kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. ((NATS)) ((Zoe Moser, Founder, The Zoe Project)) I have started my cards during this pandemic. I use all different kinds of colored paper. I use markers and I use stickers to make it have a little spice in there, to make it look cute. I write scriptures on the front of the cards and on the inside of the cards, there is just a happy note. ((NATS)) ((Zoe Moser, Founder, The Zoe Project)) I deliver my cards anywhere near us. So, my mom would drive to the nursing home and we would have to call the nursing home because we can't come inside. You pass the cards to a nurse that comes to the door. And they would deliver it to anyone in the nursing home. ((NATS: Zoe Moser and Nurse)) Oh, my God! I have to hug you. I know I’m not supposed to. I miss you so much. Look at you, you’re growing up. You’re so beautiful. Thank you. You’re so talented. Thank you. Thank you, baby doll. You’re welcome. Thank you. Thank you. We love you, okay! Thank you. See you. Bye. Bye. ((Zoe Moser, Founder, The Zoe Project)) Lonely people need a cheering card so they can feel loved. ((NATS: Zoe Moser and Olivia on the phone)) Hey, Olivia. Hey, Zoe. What you’re doing? ((Zoe Moser, Founder, The Zoe Project)) I do keep in touch with my friends. We also have little events sometimes where we get together on Zoom. We have movie nights. We talk. We eat our snacks on Zoom or we'll just call on a daily basis to check up on each other. ((NATS: Zoe Moser and Sharmaine Moser)) ((Zoe Moser, Founder, The Zoe Project)) Well, this is all of our family right here. While my family is in North Carolina, we keep in touch with them on social media. When we moved to Virginia, it was a big impact on my life because we had no family here. So, it was just me and my mom. ((NATS: Zoe Moser and Sharmaine Moser)) Oh, I like it. What other colors do you have? You’ve got a pink one. I’ve got red. ((Sharmaine Moser, Zoe’s Mother)) Zoe has always been a creative. She's always used her resources. We haven't always had the most money. So, she's really skillful with learning how to use what she has. ((NATS: Zoe Moser)) ((Zoe Moser, Founder, The Zoe Project)) The name of my project is The Zoe Project. ((NATS: Zoe Moser)) ((Video Courtesy: Zoe’s Project)) ((Zoe Moser, Founder, The Zoe Project)) Hey guys. It’s Zoe and I’m the CEO of the Zoe Project. ((NATS)) ((Zoe Moser, Founder, The Zoe Project)) I started my project with making cards for anyone ((Photo Courtesy: Zoe’s Project)) ((Zoe Moser, Founder, The Zoe Project)) in nursing homes, nurses, doctors or anyone in jail, anyone who feels forgotten. And that has leveled up. I have written my first book called, ((Photo Courtesy: Zoe’s Project)) ((Zoe Moser, Founder, The Zoe Project)) The Million Dollar Project, which is a goal planning workbook. I wanted to remind my teachers, school people, my friends, my family, everyone around this world, that you cannot forget about your goals. And it’s a seven-step goal planning workbook for all ages. ((Sharmaine Moser, Zoe’s Mother)) At 12 year old, she's not thinking about how to make money for herself to buy like the next game or to buy the next hair bow or hairpiece or something like that. She is creating cards and ((Photo Courtesy: Zoe’s Project)) ((Sharmaine Moser, Zoe’s Mother)) sending out the good word to individuals. ((NATS))